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Who’s This Guy Telling You to Get Your Financial Sh*t Together

It’s a humbling moment when you, a trained Army Ranger turned Army Special Ops helicopter pilot, who’s masterfully flown the most technologically advanced helicopters through some of the world’s most hostile territories, find yourself sweating bullets in your dimly lit kitchen. Not from the adrenalin of evading enemy fire, but from the sinking realization that your financial compass is entirely off course.

I’m that guy. As an Army chopper pilot, I’ve faced more close calls than most can imagine. But I’ve also sat at that weathered kitchen table, looking over a mountain of bills, divorce papers on my left, two poo-slinging toddlers on my right, and a credit score that seemed to ask, “Seriously, dude?” The deafening echo of my own financial illiteracy made this scene scarier than any combat zone I’ve visited.

You see, no one sat me down to explain compound interest or taught me how to dodge debt like I dodged bullets. Parents missed that one. School didn’t cover it. The Army sure as hell didn’t. And while I can navigate calmly through a dust storm with low fuel, navigating personal finance felt like being asked to land blindfolded.

But life, being the cynical little shit that it is, made me realize financial illiteracy is a pandemic. And I wasn’t its only victim.

So, I took control. I embarked on getting an MBA, and then rigorously pursued my Certified Financial Planner (CFP) education, dissecting the vast world of finance piece by piece, much like how I learned to master aerial maneuvers in combat.

The new mission? Get my financial crap together. Then use my financial hardships and triumphs to help others sidestep the landmines that I nearly stepped on.

Enter “The Money Chief” in all its glory. It’s not a candy-coated generic site about “top financial tips” or “how to retire at 30”. Think of it more like an initiation into the mysteries of finance, without the hazing. For those navigating through the storms, it’s your co-pilot in the cockpit of financial understanding.

From the single mom nervously refreshing her banking app every hour, to the wide-eyed grad lost in financial jargon, or to the young soldier about to make that god-awful car purchase – this is for you.

I’ve climbed out of the mess. Now it’s your turn.

With articles and stories that’ll make you relate, cringe, and have those ‘a-ha’ moments, I’ll help you navigate the complex skies of finance. Get ready for brutal honesty, shared struggles, and a lot of learning.
